Create an HTML page to run the applet  Debugging

Chapter 2: Creating CORBA Java Components and Clients

Run the applet

If you have not restarted or refreshed the server since creating the JavaArithmetic component, refresh the server before running the applet.

StepsRunning the applet

  1. Start your Web browser. If necessary, you can run the applet on a different machine than the server host, as long as your server uses a real host address and not localhost or

  2. Connect to the following URL, substituting your server’s host name for host:


    As installed, EAServer uses 8080 as the HTTP port number. If your server uses a different HTTP port number, change the port number in the URL to match.

  3. Enter numeric values to be multiplied, then click the Multiply button to invoke the multiply component method. The return value is displayed.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Debugging

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