Web server redirector plug-in  Client-session and component-lifecycle management

Chapter 1: Introducing EAServer

Administration and development tools

Sybase Central is a common management framework for Sybase application and database servers. EAServer provides two Sybase Central plug-ins for use by developers and administrators:

For detailed instructions on running EAServer Manager and the standalone Security Manager, see the EAServer System Administration Guide and the EAServer Security Administration and Programming Guide.

Development support

Sybase PowerBuilder has been integrated with EAServer. Using this tool, you can develop, deploy, and debug EAServer components entirely within the development environment. You can also generate the proxies required for client application development. For more information, see the Application Techniques manual in the PowerBuilder documentation.

Application developers using other tools can use EAServer Manager to view the method definitions for any installed component in EAServer Manager. You can view and edit method definitions graphically, or you can directly edit the IDL datatype and interface definitions with the EAServer Manager IDL editor. You can import interface definitions from existing Java classes, ActiveX component type library files, or from standard CORBA IDL files. See “Defining Component Interfaces” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide for more information.

EAServer Manager also generates stub classes for use in Java and C++ client applications and ActiveX type libraries for use in ActiveX client applications.

Deployment support

To simplify application deployment, EAServer Manager defines the following basic, middle-tier application units:

Before a client application can execute a component, the component must be installed in an EAServer package, and that package must be installed in the server to which the client connects.

Hot refresh support

EAServer Manager includes an option that allows you to refresh components, packages, and servers, enabling you to test and debug component implementation changes without restarting the server.

Performance monitoring support

EAServer includes a Performance Monitor feature to prevent degradation of server performance under extreme load conditions. You can configure the Performance Monitor settings to heuristically govern the processing requests to prevent performance degradation due to overuse of available resources. For details, see Chapter 9, “Using the Performance Monitor,” in the EAServer Performance and Tuning Guide.

Runtime monitoring support

The EAServer Manager plug-in for Sybase Central allows you to remotely view server log files and to monitor statistics for component execution and network activity.

Use the EAServer Manager File Viewer to connect to EAServer and view the contents of these server log files:

Runtime Monitoring allows you to view statistics on component and network activity. You can view counts of active client sessions, components, and transactions.

See the EAServer System Administration Guide for more information on these features.

Certificate management support

EAServer Manager | Certificates folder (server) or the standalone Security Manager (client) allows you to manage the server and user certificates that are required for SSL-protocol support. This allows you to:

See the EAServer Security Administration and Programming Guide for more information on SSL certificates.

jagtool and jagant

jagtool is a command line interface that allows you to automate some EAServer development and deployment tasks. jagant lets you run jagtool commands from Jakarta Ant build files.

Ant is similar to make, but is platform-independent, and allows you to incorporate jagtool commands into build files. This powerful feature allows you to write build files that automate many development and deployment tasks. See Chapter 12, “Using jagtool and jagant,” in the EAServer System Administration Guide.

Repository versioning support

The EAServer configuration repository stores configuration and implementation files for installed application entities such as components, Web applications, JSPs, and Java servlets. Repository versioning allows you to save numbered versions of an object. Each version archive contains configuration properties and implementation files associated with the object. For example, before undertaking a new development phase, you might save a new major version of your J2EE application.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Client-session and component-lifecycle management

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