EJB container services  CORBA-C++ components

Chapter 3: EAServer Components

Java components

EAServer can load and execute a Java class file as a component. The class can be a standalone class or part of a JavaBeans component that does not display any graphics or text, that is, a nonvisual JavaBeans component.

Defining the component’s interfaces

The definition of a Java component specifies the interfaces that the component implements as well as its other properties.

All component interfaces for EAServer components are defined in CORBA IDL modules that are stored in EAServer’s IDL repository. Chapter 5, “Defining Component Interfaces,” in the EAServer Programmer’s Guide describes how to define IDL interfaces.

Java component developers typically use one of the following to define the interface or interfaces that their component implements:

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. CORBA-C++ components

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