Installing DataWindow .NET

The DataWindow .NET setup program installs DataWindow .NET in default drives and directories unless you specify otherwise. If a directory you specify does not exist, setup creates it.

StepsTo install DataWindow .NET:

  1. On the Choose Destination Location page, click Next to accept the destination folder path shown, or click Browse and select a different path, click OK, and click Next.

  2. On the Setup Type page, select Complete or Custom and click Next.

    Select the Custom option if you want to choose which components to install.

  3. If you selected Custom install, check the components you want to install on the Select Components page and click Next.

    You can expand the tree view to select or clear subcomponents of top-level components.

    You can choose whether to install the following components:

  4. On the Start Copying Files page, review your settings, then click Next to begin installing files or Back to change your selections.

  5. On the InstallShield Wizard Complete page, click Finish to return to the common setup program.