DataWindow Designer has built-in toolbars. When you start DataWindow Designer, you see what is called the PowerBar. In each painter, you also see one or more PainterBars. But PowerBar and PainterBar are actually types of toolbars you can create to make working in DataWindow Designer easier.
A PowerBar is a toolbar that always displays in DataWindow Designer, unless you hide it. A PainterBar is a toolbar that always displays in the specific painter for which it was defined, unless you hide it. You can have up to four PowerBars, named PowerBar1, PowerBar2, and so on. You can have up to eight PainterBars in each painter, named PainterBar1, PainterBar2, and so on.
You can create a new PowerBar anywhere in DataWindow Designer, but to create a new PainterBar, you must be in the workspace of the painter for which you want to define the PainterBar.
To create a new toolbar:
Position the pointer on any toolbar, display the pop-up menu, and select New.
Select a PowerBar name or a PainterBar name and click OK.
The Customize dialog box displays with the Current toolbar box empty.
One at a time, drag the toolbar buttons you want from the Selected palette box to the Current toolbar box and then click OK.