Changes to update and delete  Changes to create procedure (SQLJ)

Chapter 12: Changes to Global Variables, Commands, and Stored Procedures

Additions to dbcc complete_xact

dbcc complete_xact enables a System Administrator to commit or roll back a distributed transaction in circumstances where the external transaction coordinator cannot. In earlier versions of Adaptive Server, a transaction could not heuristically complete unless it was in the “prepare” state, and the transaction coordinator used a two-phase commit protocol to commit the transaction. However, in some cases, a transaction coordinator may want to use a one-phase commit protocol as an optimization to commit the transaction.

Adaptive Server 12.5.2 includes the 1pc parameter to the dbcc complete_xact command. 1pc heuristically completes a transaction that was subject to a one-phase commit protocol optimization—instead of the regular two-phase commit protocol—by the external transaction manager that was coordinating its completion. Heuristically committing such a transaction requires that the transaction is in a “done” state (as reported by sp_transactions).

The partial syntax for dbcc complete_xact is:

dbcc complete_xact("<xid>", "commit", "1pc")

NoteBefore heuristically committing the transaction, the System Administrator should make every effort to determine whether the coordinating transaction manager committed the distributed transaction.

The following example uses sp_transactions to determine the name of a one-phase commit transaction that did not heuristically commit because it was not in a “prepared” state. The example then explains how to use the 1pc parameter to successfully commit the transaction:

xactkey                         type     coordinator     starttime     
state            connection      dbid       spid      loid     
failover        srvnname      namelen     
------------------------------  --------- -----------    --------------------
--------------- ----------      ------      ------    -----------
----------      -----------   -----------------
0xbc0500000b00000030c316480100 External       XA         Feb  2 2004  1:07PM
Done-Detached     Detached         1         0        2099
Resident Tx     NULL             88
(1 row affected)(return status = 0)

If you try to commit this transaction:

dbcc complete_xact("28_u7dAc31Wc380000000000000000000000000000000001HFpfSxkDM000FU_00003M0000Y_:SYBBEV0A_LRM", "commit"))

Adaptive Server issues the following error message:

Msg 3947, Level 16, State 1:
Server 'PISSARRO_1251_P', Line 1:
A heuristic completion related operation failed. Please see errorlog for more details.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.

Because the transaction is in a “done” state, you can use a one-phase commit protocol optimization to heuristically complete the transaction after verifying the transaction was committed. You can commit this transaction using the dbcc complete_xact(“1pc”) parameter:

dbcc complete_xact("28_u7dAc31Wc380000000000000000000000000000000001HFpfSxkDM000FU_00003M0000Y_:SYBBEV0A_LRM", "commit", "1pc")
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.

You can remove the transaction from systransactions with the dbcc forget_xact command:

dbcc forget_xact("28_u7dAc31Wc380000000000000000000000000000000001HFpfSxkDM0
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.

If you run sp_transactions again, the previous transaction does not appear:

xactkey                         type     coordinator     starttime     
state            connection      dbid       spid      loid     
failover        srvnname      namelen     
------------------------------  --------- -----------    --------------------
--------------- ----------      ------      ------    -----------
(0 row affected)

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Changes to create procedure (SQLJ)

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