If you are upgrading from Adaptive Server versions earlier than 12.5.3 ESD#2, you must run the installjsdb script from the new version anytime you upgrade Job Scheduler.
Upgrading Job Scheduler
Disable Job Scheduler before you upgrade Adaptive Server:
sp_configure "enable job scheduler", 0
Upgrade Adaptive Server. See the installation guide for details.
Run the installjsdb script:
isql –Usa –Psa_password –Sservername –i $SYBASE_ASE/scripts/installjsdb
The directory with the location of the isql executable ($SYBASE_OCS/bin)
must be in your path.
The installjsdb script looks for the sybmgmtdb database. The script updates Job Scheduler tables and stored procedures.
Enable Job Scheduler:
sp_configure "enable job scheduler", 1
To start Job Scheduler, either restart the server, or enter:
use sybmgmtdb� go� sp_js_wakeup "start_js",1 go�