[CR #332553] The files jcs.jar and sqlx.jar cannot be installed in the same database.
Adaptive Server 12.0 and Adaptive Server 12.5 provided sample Java classes for XML processing. They were described in Chapters 8 and 9 of Java in Adaptive Server, and their source code and JAR files were provided in the directory $SYBASE $SYBASE_ASE/sample. The JAR file for these sample Java classes was named jcs.jar.
Adaptive Server version 12.5.1 also includes a set of Java-based SQLX mapping classes that perform mappings between SQL and XML. The source code and JAR file for those SQLX mapping classes are in the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/sample directory of Adaptive Server version 12.5.1.The JAR file for these classes is named sqlx.jar.
One of the classes provided in jcs.jar file is jXml, a class that provides a set of Java wrapper methods on DOM processing for a stored XML document. These sample Java classes for XML processing are not included in Adaptive Server 12.5.1, since they have been superseded by the facilities of the XQL processor of Adaptive Server 12.5 and the native XML processor of Adaptive Server 12.5.1.
Workaround: For applications that continue to use the jXml class, jcs.jar is available in the following location:
Applications that use the jXML class or other facilities of the sample Java classes for XML must include that file in their CLASSPATH for client applications, and install it in the database for server applications.
jcs.jar for the jXml class and sqlx.jar cannot be installed in the same database, because the files contain several utility classes with the same names. Applications that use those utility classes continue to run without change when the jcs.jar is replaced with the sqlx.jar. Therefore, you must install jcs.jar in a different database than sqlx.jar.