Creating the SYBASE collection using the AS/400 SEU utility

The user ID for creating the SYBASE collection must have a valid CCSID for your language installation.

StepsTo create the SYBASE collection through the AS/400 SEU utility

  1. Log on to the AS/400 at the main console, a 5250 terminal, or a 5250 terminal emulator, using the user ID that is to be the owner of the SYBASE collection.

  2. Start the SEU program by entering the following command:

  3. Press F4. The Work With Members Using SEU window appears.

  4. Provide the following information:

  5. Press Enter. The members of the source file are listed.

    Build the query that creates the collection by creating a source member for the query:

  6. Press Enter. The Edit window appears.

  7. Create the query member by entering the following in the first line of the source file:

  8. Press F3. Verify that the Change/Create Member field is set to Y, and the Member field is SYBASE.

  9. Press Enter to exit the editor. Now you can work with the query you created.

  10. Press F3 again to exit and return to the Main menu.

StepsTo build the query that creates the SYBASE collection

  1. Enter the following on the command line:


    Press Enter. The AS/400 utility creates the query

    NoteYou might receive a warning message that the source length exceeds 79 characters. Disregard this message, as it does not affect the access service

  2. To run the query that creates the SYBASE collection, enter the following on the command line:


    Press Enter. The SYBASE collection is created.

Building the collection might take a few minutes. During this time, you will receive messages indicating the status of the operation.