The default character set can be changed by using the charset utility. At this time, this utility can be run only from the Unix shell, so you have to open a Terminal window to do this. The utility is found at /Applications/Sybase/System/ASE-12_5/bin/charset. To change Adaptive Server defaults, perform the following steps:
Run the charset utility to add the character set to Adaptive Server’s system catalogs.
Execute the sp_configure stored procedure to set the default character set.
Restart the server. The server will come up, perform any necessary reconfiguration it needs to do internally, and then shut itself down. You can then restart it.
Examples of doing this can be found in various shell scripts at /Applications/Sybase/System/ASE-12_5/install:
These steps should be taken before you add any user
data to Adaptive Server. If your server contains data, follow the
procedures outlines in the System Administrators Guide to
save and restore it.