It may be desirable or necessary to re-initialize the databases created during the install process. The main reasons for wanting to do this are:
Use an alternate disk device for the database devices, perhaps on faster disks.
Change the size of the pages within the database.
Re-initializing the server can be done in one of two ways, depending on your preference:
The bootstrap shell script – by running the bootstrap script found in /Applications/Sybase/System/Install/SybaseAdaptiveServerEnterprise /bootstrap. This script can be edited to take action as necessary. The script installs a new server using the utility srvbuildres. srvbuildres is driven by a resource file, and the resource files used by the bootstrap script can be edited to override default values for the installation.
Server Build – this application is a graphical interface to the srvbuildres utility. Server Build collects input from you and uses it to create resource files subsequently used by srvbuildres. Server Build then launches srvbuildres, and a new server is created.