Each entry in the locales.dat file links a platform-specific locale definition to a Sybase language and character set combination. Each entry has the following format:
locale = platform_locale, syb_language, syb_charset
platform_locale is the platform-specific keyword for a locale. For acceptable values, see your operating system documentation.
When the locale being defined is the default for the site, platform_locale is “default”.
syb_language is the name of the language directory to be used from within %SYBASE%\locales\language_name.
syb_charset is the character set name that determines the character set conversion method and identifies the directory location of the message files for clients from within %SYBASE%\locales\language_name\charset_name.
For example, the following entry specifies that the default locale uses us_english for the language and iso_1 for the character set:
locale = default, us_english, iso_1