Creating the Replication Server user login name

Replication Agent requires client access to the primary Replication Server to send replicated transactions. Use the following procedure to set up a Replication Server user login name for the Replication Agent instance.

NoteYou must have “sa” permission in the Replication Server to perform this procedure.

StepsTo create a Replication Server user login for Replication Agent

  1. Log in to the Replication Server with a login that has “sa” permission.

  2. Create the Replication Agent user login name in the Replication Server:

    create user ra_rs_user set password ra_rs_pwd


  3. Grant connect source permission to the Replication Agent login name:

    grant connect source to ra_rs_user

    where ra_rs_user is the Replication Agent user login name.

After you set up the Replication Agent user login in the primary Replication Server, verify that the new user login name is valid (it can log in to the Replication Server).