Copying a Replication Agent configuration

When you create a new Replication Agent instance, you can copy the configuration of an existing instance by invoking ra_admin with the -c option and -f option.

The complete syntax is:

ra_admin -c new_inst -p port_num -f old_inst


For information about creating a Replication Agent instance with the default configuration, see “Creating a Replication Agent instance”.

Use the following procedure to create a new Replication Agent instance, based on the configuration of an existing instance.

NoteYou must set the SYBASE environment before you invoke the Sybase Replication Agent ra_admin utility. See “Preparing to use the utilities” for more information.

StepsTo copy an existing Replication Agent instance configuration to a new instance

  1. Open an operating system command window on the Replication Agent host machine.

  2. At the operating system prompt, navigate to the Sybase Replication Agent bin directory.

  3. In the Sybase Replication Agent bin directory, invoke the ra_admin utility to create a new Replication Agent instance whose configuration is based on the configuration of an existing instance:

    ra_admin -c new_inst -p port_num -f old_inst


    After you invoke ra_admin, the operating system prompt returns when the new Replication Agent instance is created.

  4. Verify that the Replication Agent instance was created properly using one of the following methods:

NoteWhen you create a new Replication Agent instance and copy the configuration of an existing instance, some configuration parameters are set to default values, and they are not copied from the existing configuration.

The values of the following configuration parameters are not copied from an existing configuration:

See the Sybase Replication Agent Reference Manual for more information about Replication Agent configuration parameters.

After you create a Replication Agent instance, you can use the ra utility to start the instance so that it can be administered and configured.

NoteSybase recommends that you create a user login name and password to replace the default sa login and secure access to the administration port, immediately after you create a Replication Agent instance. See “Creating the Replication Agent administrator login” for more information.