(CR #440644) Deploying an application in EAServer
6.0 creates a configuration file for the application, which includes
a refresh
target similar to:
<target name="refresh-default"> <echo level="info" message="refresh: appA"/> <ant antfile="ejbjar-appA.appA_ejbmodule.xml" target="refresh"/> <ant antfile="webapp-appA.appA_webmodule.xml" target="refresh"/> </target>
If you run refresh.sh config-file
refresh an EAServer 6.0 application, the application’s
children (EJBs, Web applications, connectors, and application clients)
are refreshed, but the application itself is not. To refresh an
EAServer 6.0 application, including its class loader, use either
the Management Console or the wsh refresh command
line tool.
Workaround: This issue has been fixed in EAServer 6.1, but the problem still exists for applications that were deployed in EAServer 6.0. To resolve the issue with 6.0 configuration files, you can either:
Redeploy the application, or
Update the configuration file manually, by changing
the refresh
target code to:
<target name="refresh-default"> <echo level="info" message="refresh: application-name"/> <refresh module="application-name"/> </target>