Incorrect datatype in WSDL by Axis 1.2

(CRs #396790 and #399573) EAServer 5.3 now supports Axis 1.2. If you use the JAX-RPC to build Web services and clients, this results an incorrect datatype in the WSDL definition. For instance, after deploying JAX-RPC for an eyeColor element, it generates an incorrect WSDL definition, as follows:

<simpleType name=''eyeColor''>
<restriction base=''soapenc:string''> 
	<enumeration value=''Brown''/> 
	<enumeration value=''Blue''/> 
	<enumeration value=''Green''/> 

The datatype should be xsd:string instead of soapenc:string. If you use the above code to generate into Java code using wdsl2java, this results an error. To work around this problem, Sybase recommends that you refresh the EAServer before using the wsdl2java to generate WSDL to Java code.