Borland JBuilder

Sybase provides an EAServer plug-in that allows you to develop, deploy, and debug EAServer components from Borland JBuilder. For more information, see Sybase EAServer Plug-in for JBuilder X.

Known issue Due to a change in the packaging of runtime classes in EAServer 5.3, deployment from JBuilder may not work after upgrading to EAServer 5.3. To correct this problem, add the java\lib\eastools.jar file from your EAServer 5.3 installation to the configured libraries in JBuilder, as follows:

  1. In JBuilder, select Tools | Configure Libraries...

  2. On the User Home | Sybase EAS Client | Class tab, click Add.

  3. Select the java\lib\eastools.jar file from you EAServer 5.3 installation.

  4. Click OK.