Borland JBuilder

Sybase provides an EAServer plug-in that allows you to develop, deploy, and debug EAServer components from Borland JBuilder. For more information, see Sybase EAServer Plug-in for JBuilder X.

Known issue Due to a change in the packaging of runtime classes in EAServer 5.5, deployment from JBuilder may not work after upgrading to EAServer 5.5. To correct this problem, add the java/lib/eastools.jar file from your EAServer 5.5 installation to the configured libraries in JBuilder, as follows:

  1. In JBuilder, select Tools | Configure Libraries...

  2. On the User Home | Sybase EAS Client | Class tab, click Add.

  3. Select the java/lib/eastools.jar file from your EAServer 5.5 installation.

  4. Click OK.