Changes to how memory is allocated

In earlier versions of Adaptive Server, the size of the procedure cache was based on a percentage of the available memory. After you configured the data cache, whatever was left over was allocated to the procedure cache. For Adaptive Server 12.5, both the data cache and the procedure cache are specified as absolute values. The sizes of the caches do not change until you reconfigure them.

A new configuration parameter, max memory, allows you to establish a maximum setting, beyond which you cannot configure Adaptive Server’s total physical memory.

If you upgrade to version 12.5 Adaptive Server or higher, pre-12.5 Adaptive Server configuration values are used to calculate the new values for the procedure cache size. Adaptive Server computes the size of the default data cache during the upgrade and writes this value to the configuration file. If the computed sizes of the data cache or procedure cache are less than the default sizes, they are reset to the default. During the upgrade, max memory is set to the value of total logical memory specified in the configuration file.