Adaptive Server and Open Client interact depending on how you determine Open Client’s capabilities. Capabilities describe the types of requests that an application sends on a specific connection and the types of server responses that a server returns on a specific connection. Before you use Open Client with the wider limits allowed by Adaptive Server version 12.5, you must enable the Open Client capability for these limits. See your Open Client documentation for information about enabling the wide-table capabilities.
DB Library cannot use the wide limits for Adaptive Server version 12.5.
Depending on which version of Open Client your site is using, you may have to perform one of the steps below.
You should not have any problems if both Adaptive Server and Open Client are at version 12.5. Perform the following before you use Open Client 12.5 with Adaptive Server version 12.5:
Relink your Open Client application with the 12.5 libraries.
Establish the new version number with CS_VERSION.
If you are using jConnect, reconnect the drivers.
If you are running a pre-12.5 version Open Client application with Adaptive Server version 12.5, and have relinked your application with 12.5 Open Client, but have not changed the version of your libraries, the pre-12.5 version functionality is fine, but the new limits are not enabled. Adaptive Server sends the data according to the pre-12.5 limits, and truncates any data that is beyond these limits.
If you are running pre-12.5 version Open Client with Adaptive Server version 12.5, but have not relinked your libraries, Adaptive Server sends data according to the pre-12.5 version, with the same restrictions outlined above.
If you are connecting to a remote Adaptive Server in the manner described below, Open Client does not receive wide data.
Figure 5-1: Open Client connecting to a remote server
In this example, Open Client connects to the 12.5 Adaptive Server using the 12.5 capabilities, but because the database it is querying is in a 12.0 server, the data is returned using the 12.0 limits, and any wide data is truncated.