The new features in Adaptive Server version are:
“Monitoring system tables in Adaptive Server”
“Index selection”
“Active-passive configuration for Sun Cluster 3.0”
“Asynchronous log service and optimistic index locking”
“Using sampling for update statistics”
“Multiple temporary databases”
“Housekeeper enhancements”
“Chinese character set (GB18030) support”
“SQLJ aliases for XQL”
“SQLX mapping functions”
“New configuration parameters in sp_monitorconfig”
“Faster checkpoints”
“Changes to checkstorage”
“Changes to CIS”
“Improved performance for select into”
“New set parameters”
“Improved performance for create database, alter database, load database, and dbcc checkalloc”
“Number of databases per transaction”
“New global variables”
“New functions”