You can use the insert command to create a new file directory. To do so, use only the filename, filetype, and content columns. Specify “DIR” as the file type to create filename as a directory. Otherwise, filename is created as a regular file. If filename contains subdirectories, and the subdirectories do not exist, they are created automatically.
The value of @@identity is updated when an insert completes, if you created a regular file.
If you attempt to create a file that already exists, an error is raised. You must first delete the file before you can overwrite the contents with an insert command.
You can use insert to transfer the contents of one directory to another, as in the following examples:
create proxy_table srctab external directory at '/work/sourcedir;R’ create proxy_table dsttab external directory at '/work1/destdir;R’ insert into dsttab (filename, filetype, content) Select filename, filetype, content from srctab