Adaptive Server version 12.5 provides an overview of XML, the eXtensible Markup Language, suitable for data exchange because it is more complete and disciplined than SGML. XML allows you to define your own application-oriented markup tags. This feature, written entirely in Java, also includes methods for storing XML documents and generating them from SQL data. You can:
Select raw data from Adaptive Server using XQL and display it as an XML document. You can also store XML documents, and the data extracted from them, in Adaptive Server, and you can use Adaptive Server to search XML documents you store on the Web.
Use the Java XML parser Sybase provides, which allows you to install your query engine as either a standalone program or inside Adaptive Server. You can also use any query engine that is compliant with SAX 2.0.
Use the sample queries in the OrderXMLclass, a Java sample application that Sybase supplies, which uses XML documents to query, parse, and save customer order data. The OrderXML class is written specifically to process XML documents for order data.
Use the ResultSetXMLclass, a subclass of the JXml class, which Sybase supplies to help you generate an XML document that represents a SQL result set. You can also access and update XML documents that represent SQL result sets. You can generate a ResultSet in either a client environment or inside Adaptive Server, search, and store it.