To change start-up parameters or to change the server name in the NT Registry:
Start the NT Registry Editor (regedt32.exe, usually in winnt\system32).
For NT 4.0, select the window named:
or, for NT 3.5.1:
and select the correct user entry.
Save or print the existing settings before proceeding. From the registry menu, select the Save Subtree As command or the Print command.
In the tree view, highlight:
\SOFTWARE\SYBASE\Server\ srvrName\Parameters
where srvrName is the name of the server whose start-up parameters you want to change.
On the right side of the window, review the list of existing start-up parameters which appear in this format:
Argx, dataType, parameter
x is an integer in sequential order.
dataType defines the type of data in the parameter value.
parameter is a start-up option, preceded by a dash and followed by the parameter value.
An example containing the Historical Server -D, -U, and -P start-up parameters follows:
Arg0:REG_SZ:-Dc:\sybase\data\hs_data Arg1:REG_SZ:-Uhssuper Arg2:REG_SZ:-Pxwdfr
To add a new start-up parameter:
Select Edit | Add Value.
In the resulting dialog box, in the Value Name box,
enter Argx
where x is
the next integer not currently assigned.
From the Data Type drop-down list, choose REG_SZ
In the resulting String dialog box, enter the parameter and value.
To modify existing parameters:
Double-click the parameter line you want to change.
In the resulting String dialog box, change the entry.
From the Registry menu, choose Exit.