You can start Historical Server by using:
The Windows NT Control Panel Services window.
A batch (.bat) file containing the start-up command and parameters. The file name is run_hsName.bat, where hsName is the name of the Historical Server instance. Sybase recommends that you invoke the batch file from a command line shell rather than by double-clicking on it in File Manager. The command line shell captures start-up error messages, if any occur, whereas the File Manager does not.
The start-up command typed directly from a command line shell. The name of the Historical Server executable file for Windows NT is histsrvr.exe.
When you use a .bat file or a command line command to start Historical Server, the server process is linked to your current login account. When you log off, the server shuts down.
For production systems, Sybase recommends that you start Historical Server using the Windows NT Control Panel Services Manager. When you start a server as a service, it persists across logins.