The account that starts Historical Server must satisfy these conditions:
The same account must start Historical Server each time.
The operating system account that starts Historical Server the first time, when Historical Server creates the control file, is the only account that has subsequent access to that control file. The same account must perform all subsequent start-ups of Historical Server using the same home directory, to gain access to the control file. This restriction prevents unauthorized reading and modification of Historical Server files.
A different account can start Historical Server if the start-up command specifies a different home directory. In the new location, if no control exists, Historical Server creates one. The recording session data files in a home directory are not visible to a Historical Server using a different home directory.
The account must have search (execute) and write access to the Historical Server home directory specified in the start-up command.
The account must have search (execute) and write access to the locations of recording session data files, as specified by users who create recording sessions. The default location is the Historical Server home directory, but users can override that default on a session-by-session basis when they create recording sessions.