Lists information about past and present recording sessions.
hs_list level [,restriction]
specifies the level of detail returned for each recording session. Its value can be sessions, views, data_items, alarms, filters, or summarization_data_items.
Selects a subset of the data available about recording sessions for a given level.
If level is |
Then restriction is |
sessions |
views |
data_items, alarms, filters, or summarization_ data_items |
This example lists all active sessions for this Historical Server instance:
hs_list sessions,active
This example lists all alarms that have been defined for data items in the Page I/O view of the session whose ID is 10:
hs_list alarms,10,PageIO
The hs_list command returns the following fields as an integer datatype:
Session ID
Sample interval
Alarm count
Filter count
The hs_list command returns the following field as a float datatype:
Alarm value
All other fields are returned as character strings.
If a session was recorded with the private protection level and the current user is not the Historical Server superuser, the current user’s name and password are verified against the name and password of the user who recorded the session before that session is made visible.
The data returned by hs_list depends on the value of level:
sessions causes a single row to be returned for each session, with the following columns:
Session ID (a unique identifier for the session)
Status of the session:
active remotely or inactive – status of the session cannot be determined unambiguously. Sessions that are currently active in another instance of Historical Server that is using the same home directory as the current instance fall into this category. (For more information about running multiple instances of Historical Server and sharing control files, see “Configuring multiple instances of Historical Server”.) Sessions that have already ended because of an abnormal termination of the Historical Server instance that was running them, and whose intended end times have not yet been passed, are also in this category.
Name of the user who initiated the recording session
Name of the Adaptive Server monitored
Name of the Monitor Server used
Start date and time of the recording session
End date and time of the recording session
Directory containing the recorded data
Sampling interval used
If this value is 0, it means that the session was created by playback with a summarization_level of entire. (The entire session is represented in one sample, and there is no sample interval.)
Error option used (continue or halt on non-fatal error)
views produces one row for each view, with the following columns:
Session ID
View name
data_items produces one row for each data item defined in a view, with the following columns:
Session ID
View name
Data item
Data item statistic type
Number of alarms defined for the data item
Number of filters defined for the data item
One of the following keywords:
recorded – indicates that the data is from the original recording session or preserved from that original session.
summarized – indicates that the data was summarized at a different sample interval from that of the original session.
estimated – indicates that the data was estimated, rather than calculated accurately, during summarization.
alarms produces one row for each alarm defined for a data item in a view, with the following columns:
Session ID
View name
Data item
Data item statistic type
Alarm action (log or execute)
File name for log file or file to execute
Alarm value
filters produces one row for each filter for a data item in a view, with the following columns:
Session ID
View name
Data item
Statistic type
Filter type (eq, neq, range, or top)
Value specified (returned as a single string)
summarization_data_items produces one row for each combination of data item and statistic type that can be requested for non-raw playback from a view, with the following columns:
Session ID
View name
Data item
Statistic type
One of the following keywords:
recorded – indicates that the data for this data item, if played back, would be the data from the original recording session, or data preserved from that original session.
summarized – indicates that the data for this data item, if played back, would be available in summarized form.
estimated – indicates that the data for this data item, if played back, would be available only in estimated form.