On a UNIX platform, you can start Monitor Server by:
Executing the monserver command from a UNIX shell prompt. If you use this method, you must type all appropriate parameters each time.
Executing a script file that contains the monserver command and all appropriate parameters. If you followed the configuration instructions in Chapter 2, “Configuring Monitor Server,” you would start Monitor Server using:
install_dir is the Sybase root directory.
monServerName is the name of the Monitor Server you want to start.
You can also add the Monitor Server start-up command to the machine’s automatic start-up script.
Regardless of which method you use:
The Adaptive Server to be monitored must be started first.
Use the same UNIX account to start both Adaptive Server and Monitor Server. The same account is required to ensure appropriate access to the Adaptive Server shared memory file. Sybase recommends that you use the “sybase” account to start both Adaptive Server and Monitor Server.
Set the SYBASE environment variable to the root directory of the Sybase installation.
The SYBASE environment variable also identifies the default location of the interfaces or sql.ini file and the Adaptive Server shared memory .krg file used by Monitor Server. Use parameters to the monserver command to override the default locations of these files.
Monitor Server displays the following message to indicate that start-up was successful:
Initialization is over. Ready to accept connections.
Monitor Server writes messages to its log file during start-up. You can ignore these messages if start-up was successful. If start-up is not successful, examine the log file to research the problem.
The default path name for the Monitor Server log file is ms.log in the current directory at the time of start-up. You can override this default path name with the -l parameter (the letter l) to the monserver command.