Changing the event buffers per engine parameter

To change the event buffers per engine configuration parameter in Adaptive Server:

  1. Make sure that Adaptive Server is running and Monitor Server is not running.

  2. Change the event buffers per engine parameter using either of the following methods:

    Using Sybase Central

    Using isql

    1. Select the appropriate Adaptive Server folder.

    2. From the File menu, choose Configure.

    3. In the scroll box, find the entry for event buffers per engine. In the Value column, change the number to the desired number of event buffers per engine.

    4. Select OK. The new value appears in the Pending column until you restart Adaptive Server.

    1. Open an isql connection to the appropriate Adaptive Server.

    2. In isql, issue the following commands:

    1> sp_configure "event buffers per engine", number 
    2> go 

    where number is the desired number of event buffers per engine.

  3. Stop and restart Adaptive Server, and verify that it starts correctly.

  4. Start Monitor Server, and verify that it starts correctly.

    To verify that Monitor Server has started correctly, run isql with the following command:

    isql -Uusername -Ppassword -Smonitor_server

    where username is the name specified with the -U parameter when starting the Monitor Server, and password is that user’s password.

    Then execute:

    1> sms_status server
    2> go 

    You should see the following output, showing the Adaptive Server that your Monitor Server is monitoring:

    Server Name

    To verify that the correct number of event buffers is in effect, execute:

    1> sms_status numeventbuf
    2> go

    You should see the following output showing the number of event buffers you have just configured for the Adaptive Server being monitored:

    Number of Event Buffers