Setting up the server start-up order

To make sure Adaptive Server starts before Monitor Server:

  1. Start the NT Registry Editor (regedt32.exe).

  2. Select:

  3. Save or print the existing settings before proceeding. From the registry menu, select the Save Subtree As command or the Print command.

  4. In the tree view, highlight the following entry (double-click top-level entries to expand them):

  5. From the list of available services that appears, select the name of the service that corresponds to the Monitor Server. For example, if the name of the Monitor Server is TESTSRV_MS, the registry key may be SYBMON_TESTSRV_MS.

    The current configuration values appear.

  6. From the title bar, select Edit.

  7. From the drop-down list, choose Add Value. The Add Value dialog box appears.

    In the Value Name box, enter:


    In the Data Type box, accept the default if it is correct or use the scroll bar to select the following datatype:


    Choose OK.

  8. In the String Editor Data box, enter:


    where AdaptiveServer is the name of the Adaptive Server to be monitored and select OK.

  9. From the Registry Editor menu bar, select Edit.

  10. From the drop-down list select Add Value. The Add Value dialog box opens. In the Value Name box, enter:


    In the Data Type box, select:


    Select OK.

  11. Leave the String Editor Data box empty, select OK, and exit the Registry Editor.

When you restart or log in again, Adaptive Server and Monitor Server automatically start in the correct order: Adaptive Server first, Monitor Server second.