Default textsvr.cfg configuration file

;  @(#)  File: textsvr.cfg  1.17  07/26/99
;  Full Text Search Specialty Data Store
;             Sample Configuration File 
;  The installation procedure places this file in the
;  "SYBASE" directory.
;  Lines with a semi-colon in column 1 are comment lines. 
;  Modification History:
;  ---------------------
;  11-21-97     Create file for Full Text Search SDS
;  03-02-98     Add trace flags and config values for
;               Enhanced Full Text Search SDS
;  05-26-99     remove references to sds/text
;  07-09-99     added batch block size
;  08-24-99    remove version string and correct copyright
;             copyright (c) 1997, 1999 
;             Sybase, Inc. Emeryville, CA 
;             All rights reserved.
;                                DIRECTIONS
;  Modifying the textsvr.cfg file:
;  -------------------------------
;  An installation can run the Text Search SDS product
;  as supplied, with no modifications to configuration
;  parameters. Default values from the executable program
;  are in effect. 
;  The "textsvr.cfg" file is supplied with all configuration
;  parameters commented out.
;  The hierarchy for setting configuration values is:
;   default value internal to the executable program (lowest) 
;   configuration file value  (overrides default value)
;   command line argument     (overrides default value and *.cfg file)
;  Command line arguments are available to override 
;  settings for these options:
;     -i<file specification for interfaces file>
;     -l<file specification for log file>
;     -t (no arg) directs text server to write start-up  
;        information to stderr (default is DO NOT write start-up information)
;  To set configuration file parameters, follow these steps:
;  (1) If changing the server name to other than "textsvr":  
;      (1A)  Copy "textsvr.cfg" to "your_server_name.cfg" 
;            Example: text_server.cfg
;      (1B)  Modify the [textsvr] line to [your_server_name] 
;            Example: [text_server]
;      The maximum length of “your_server_name” is 30 characters.
;  (2) Set any configuration values in the CONFIG VALUES SECTION below.
;      Remove the semi-colon from column 1.
; "traceflags" parameter, for text server  
;  Available "traceflags" values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13
;  1  trace connect/disconnect/attention events
;  2  trace language events
;  3  trace rpc events
;  4  trace cursor events
;  5  log error messages returned to the client
;  6  trace information about indexes
;  7  trace senddone packets
;  8  write text server/Verity api interface records to the log
;  9  trace sql parser 
; 10  trace Verity processing
; 11  disable Verity collection optimization
; 12  disable returning of sp_statistics information
; 13  trace backup operations (Enhanced Full Text Search only)
; "srv_traceflags" parameter, for Open Server component of text server
; Available "srv_traceflags" values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 
;  1  trace TDS headers  
;  2  trace TDS data
;  3  trace attention events
;  4  trace message queues
;  5  trace TDS tokens
;  6  trace open server events
;  7  trace deferred event queue
;  8  trace network requests
; "sort_order" parameter
; Available "sort_order" values: 0,1,2,3 
;  0  order by score, descending (default)
;  1  order by score, ascending
;  2  order by timestamp, descending
;  3  order by timestamp, ascending
;                      CONFIG VALUES SECTION
; The "textsvr.cfg" file is supplied with the values commented out.
; To override value(s) in the executable program:
;    - Set required value(s) below
;    - Remove the semicolon from column 1
;min_sessions = 10  
;max_sessions = 100 
;batch_size = 500
;sort_order = 0
;defaultDb = text_db 
;errorLog = textsvr.log  
;language = english
;charset = iso_1   
;vdkLanguage =
;vdkCharset = 850
;traceflags = 0 
;srv_traceflags = 0 
;max_indexes = 126
;max_packetsize = 2048
;max_stacksize = 34816
;max_threads = 50  
;collDir = <txtsvr directory tree location on UNIX>/collections
;collDir = <txtsvr directory tree location on Win-NT>\collections
;vdkHome = <txtsvr directory tree location on UNIX>/verity
;vdkHome = <txtsvr location on Win-NT>\verity
;interfaces = <$SYBASE location on UNIX>/interfaces
;interfaces = <%SYBASE% location on Win-NT>\ini\sql.ini 
; The parameters in this section apply only to the Enhanced Full Text Search SDS.
; If defined to a Full Text Search engine they will be ignored.
;auto_online = 0
;backDir = <txtsvr directory tree location on UNIX>/backup
;backDir = <txtsvr directory tree location on Win-NT>\backup
;backCmd = 
;restoreCmd =
;knowledge_base =
;nocase = 0
;cluster_max = 0
;cluster_order = 0
;cluster_style = Fixed
;cluster_effort = Default  
;batch_blocksize = 0
;max_session_fd = 0