By default, the Enhanced Full-Text Search engine is case sensitive. This means you must enter identifiers in the same case or they are not recognized. For example, if you have a table named blurbs (lowercase), you cannot issue an sp_create_text_index command that specifies the table name BLURBS. You must issue a command that uses the same case for the table name argument:
sp_create_text_index "KRAZYKAT", "i_blurbs", "blurbs", "", "copy"
With Enhanced Full-Text Search engine, use the nocase parameter to set the case sensitivity of the Enhanced Full-Text Search engine. 0 indicates case sensitive; 1 indicates case insensitive. Set the nocase parameter to the sort order case sensitivity in Adaptive Server.
This example changes the KRAZYKAT server to case insensitive.
sp_text_configure KRAZYKAT, ’nocase’, ’1’
The nocase parameter does not affect
the case sensitivity of the Verity query. See “Considerations when using Verity operators”.