Executing queries against defined topics

You can now execute queries using the defined topic instead of a complex query. For example, before you create the “saint-bernard” topic, you would have to use the following syntax:

...where i.index_any = "<accrue> ([80]Saint Bernard, [80]St. Bernard, working
dogs, large dogs, European breeds)"

to find documents that:

After you create the topic “saint-bernard”, you can use this syntax:

...where i.index_any = "<topic>saint-bernard"


...where i.index_any = "saint bernard"

NoteIf you enter a word in a query expression, the Enhanced Full-Text Search engine tries to match it with a topic name. If you enter a phrase in a query expression, the Enhanced Full-Text Search engine replaces spaces with hyphens (-), and then tries to match it with a topic name. For example, the Enhanced Full-Text Search engine matches “saint bernard” with the topic “saint-bernard”.

See the sample_text_topics.sql file for examples of using topics in queries.