

sp_tempdb allows users to:

These bindings are stored in the sysattributes table in master database.

sp_tempdb provides the binding interface for maintaining bindings in sysattributes that are related to the multiple temporary database.


sp_tempdb [
    [ { create | drop } , groupname ] | 
    [ { add | remove } , tempdbname, groupname ] | 
    [ { bind, objtype, objname, bindtype, bindobj [, scope, hardness ] } | 
      { unbind, objtype, objname [, scope ] } ] | 
    [ unbindall_db, tempdbname ] | 
    [ show [, "all" | "gr" | "db" | "login" | "app" [, name ] ] | 
    [ who, dbname ] 
    [ help ] 



creates the default temporary database group.


drops a database group.


is the default database group. Use “default”.


adds temporary databases to the default temporary database group.


removes temporary databases from the default temporary database group.


is the name of the temporary database you are adding or removing.


binds logins and applications to temporary databases or the default temporary database group.


unbinds logins and applications to temporary databases or the default temporary database group.


is the object type. Valid values are:

Values are not case-sensitive.


is the name of the object you bind or unbind.


is the bind type. Valid values are:

Values are not case-sensitive.


is the name of the object being bound, and is either a group or a database depending on the bindtype.




is hard, soft, or NULL. The default is soft.

When you set the value of hardness to hard, a failure to assign a temporary database according to the binding results in a failure of the login. When you set the value to soft, such a failure results in the assignment of the system tempdb.


removes all login and application bindings for a given temporary database. It does not remove any database to group memberships. The tempdbname variable is required with this option.

Existing assignments to active sessions are not affected by this operation.


displays information stored in the sysattributes table about the existing groups, group members, login and application bindings, and active sessions that are assigned to a given database. The values are:

Notetempdb is always part of the default database group.


displays all active sessions assigned to the given temporary database. When using the who parameter, you must use:


displays usage information. Executing sp_tempdb without specifying a command is the same as executing sp_tempdb “help”.


Example 1

Adds mytempdb1 to the default group:

sp_tempdb add, mytempdb1, "default"

Example 2

Removes mytempdb1 from the default group:

sp_tempdb remove, mytempdb1, "default"

Example 3

Binds login “sa” to the default group:

sp_tempdb bind, lg, sa, GR, "default"

The value for objtype in this example is login_name. You can substitute login_name with lg or LG.

The value for bindtype in this example is group. You can substitute group with gr or GR.

Example 4

Changes the previous binding of login “sa” from the default group to mytempdb1:

sp_tempdb bind, lg, sa, DB, mytempdb1

The value for bindtype in this example is database. You can substitute database with db or DB.

Example 5

Binds isql to mytempdb1:

sp_tempdb bind, ap, isql, DB, mytempdb1

The value for objtype in this example is application_name. You can substitute application_name with ap or AP.

Example 6

Changes the previous binding of isql from mytempdb1 to the default group:

sp_tempdb bind, ap, isql, GR, "default"

Example 7

Removes the bindings of login “sa” and application “isql”.

sp_tempdb unbind, lg, sa
sp_tempdb unbind, ap, isql

Example 8

Removes all login and application bindings for the mytempdb1 database:

sp_tempdb unbindall_db, mytempdb1

Example 9

Demonstrates the sp_temp show command. A selection of the different variations is chosen, and abbreviated sample output is displayed.

sp_tempdb show
Temporary Database Groups 

Database                        GroupName 
------------------------------- ----------------
tempdb                          default 
mytempdb                        default 
mytempdb1                       default 
mytempdb2                       default 
mytempdb3                       default 

Login   Application  Group    Database    Hardness
------- ------------- -------- ----------- -------- 
NULL   isql          default  NULL        SOFT 
sa      NULL          NULL     mytempdb3   HARD 

Example 10

Displays the default temporary database group:

sp_tempdb show, gr
Temporary Database Groups

Example 11

Displays all the temporary database group names that are bound to the default group:

sp_tempdb show, gr, "default"Member Databases

Example 12

Displays all the databases-to-group memberships:

sp_tempdb show, db
Database              Group
--------------------- ----------------
tempdb                default
mytempdb              default
mytempdb1             default
mytempdb2             default
mytempdb3             default

Example 13

Displays all the databases-to-group memberships for the mytempdb1 database.

sp_tempdb show, db, mytempdb1
Database              Group
--------------------- ----------------
mytempdb1             default

Example 14

Displays all the login bindings where login is not NULL:

sp_tempdb show, login
Login   Application   Group   Database    Hardness
------- ------------- ------- ----------- --------

sa      NULL          NULL    mytempdb3   HARD

Example 15

Displays all active sessions that are assigned to the system tempdb:

sp_tempdb who, tempdb
spid   loginame
------ ------------------------------
2      NULL
3      NULL
4      NULL
5      NULL
6      NULL
7      NULL
8      NULL

Example 16

Displays all active sessions that are assigned to the mytempdb3 user-created temporary database:

sp_tempdb who, mytempdb3
spid   loginame
------ ------------------------------ 
17      sa

Example 17

Displays usage information:

sp_tempdb help
sp_tempdb 'help' 
sp_tempdb 'create', <groupname> 
sp_tempdb 'drop', <groupname> 
sp_tempdb 'add', <tempdbname>, <groupname> 
sp_tempdb 'remove', <tempdbname>, <groupname> 
sp_tempdb 'bind', <objtype>, <objname>, <bindtype>, <bindobj>, <scope>, 
sp_tempdb 'unbind', <objtype>, <objname>, <scope> 
sp_tempdb 'unbindall_db', <tempdbname> 
sp_tempdb 'show', <command>, <name> 
sp_tempdb 'who', <dbname> 

<objtype> = ['LG' ('login_name') | 'AP' ('application_name')]; 
<bindtype> =['GR' ('group') | 'DB' ('database')] 
<hardness> = ['hard' | 'soft'] 
<command> = ['all' | 'gr' | 'db' | 'login' | 'app'] 


create and drop

add and remove


By default, only the System Administrator or users with the SA role can execute sp_tempdb.