
If a subscription has not materialized, follow the general procedure in this section. See Chapter 5, “Subscription Problems”, for specific instructions.

StepsProcedure if subscription has not materialized

  1. If you are materializing a large amount of data, make sure the num_threads and num_concurrent_subs parameters are large enough.

  2. Log in to the destination Replication Server and check subscription status using check subscription. Do the same for the primary Replication Server. check subscription returns information that diagnoses the problem. The potential problems that check subscription returns information about include:

  3. Use rs_helppub and rs_helppubsub to find the publications and articles that a subscription is using.

  4. If only some columns in the table are not being materialized:

  5. Fix the problem.

  6. When you think you have solved the problem, run the replication system. If subscriptions are still not being materialized correctly: