sqlupgrade verifies that the server is eligible for the upgrade. Perform all pre-upgrade tasks before running sqlupgrade.
To upgrade using sqlupgrade:
Make sure your current server is running.
Verify that you have performed the tasks mentioned on the window, before beginning the upgrade.
Execute sqlupgrade in either of the following ways:
At the UNIX prompt, enter:
A sqlupgrade window is displayed.
Alternatively, you may access sqlupgrade through the asecfg utility. Then click Upgrade an Existing Server.
Click OK.
The Specify Sybase Directories window displays. Provide the installation directory location for both the new server version and your current server.
If the SYBASE environment variable is set, sqlupgrade displays the value of the SYBASE environment variable as the directory location for the new server version.
If the OLDSYBASE environment variable is set, sqlupgrade displays that value as the directory location for your current server.
Enter the name of the component directory that contains the new server version. For example, ASE-12_5.
Enter the full path of the old Sybase release directory. For example, /opt/sybase-12.0.
If the OLDSYBASE environment variable is set, sqlupgrade displays that value as the directory location for the old server.
In the field, “Enter the name of the component directory which contains the old version,” enter the Adaptive Server component directory. For example, ASE-12_0.
If you are upgrading from a version earlier than 12.0, leave this field blank. Beginning with Adaptive Server 12.0, the directory structure changed.
Click OK. The Adaptive Server Selection window displays.
From the list of server names provided, select the server you want to upgrade.
If the server you are upgrading is not running, sqlupgrade prompts you to start the server. The server you are upgrading must be running.
Click OK. The SA Password window is displayed.
Enter the password for the System Administrator (sa) login.
Click OK. The Specifying Upgrade Options window is displayed.
Specify an upgrade option.
The upgrade eligibility tests verify that your current server meets the requirements for upgrading to the new version. (The online help provides a partial list of what the upgrade eligibility tests check.) If your current server fails the upgrade eligibility test, you must fix the problem.
Adaptive Server 11.9.x did not automatically create a sybsystemprocs database and device. Unless you created one, the eligibility test fails. The Back button launches the “Specify sybsystemprocs” window.
Enter the full path to the sybsystemprocs device and 120MB for the sybsystemprocs database. Click OK to continue with the eligibility test.
Click OK to upgrade your server.
sqlupgrade displays the Status Output window.View the Status Output window for the completion status and informational messages about the upgrade process.
WARNING! Do not interrupt the upgrade, and do not try to connect to Adaptive Server or run any stored procedures while the upgrade is in progress.
You can also check the progress of the upgrade by viewing the sqlupgrade log in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/init/logs/sqlupgradeMMDD.NNN.
After all pre-upgrade checks are successful, the old server is shut down and the new Adaptive Server dataserver binary is started on the old master device. sqlupgrade internally runs the upgrade binary to perform the upgrade.
If the upgrade is successful, a “Done” message is displayed in the Status Output window.
On some UNIX platforms, the sqlupgrade utility
may not return you to the command prompt even though the upgrade
has completed successfully. To exit the utility, press Ctrl + C.
The upgrade process:
Creates the RUN_servername file
Runs installmaster and installjconnect scripts
Check that the upgrade has been successful by logging in to the server and checking @@version to confirm that it is at 12.5.1. Also, sp_configure should reutrn 12500.
For information about compiled objects, see the troubleshooting chapter.
When the upgrade completes successfully, you can:
Click OK to specify another server to upgrade, or
Exit sqlupgrade, and go to “Post-upgrade tasks”.