Sample resource files for creating Adaptive Server and Backup Server are included in your Adaptive Server distribution in:
Edit these files to specify the attributes for the servers you want to create.
Note the following:
If you use USE-DEFAULT as the Adaptive Server name, the utility substitutes the name of the computer on which it is running for the server name. If you use USE-DEFAULT, do not create Backup Server entries in the resource file. They are created automatically using the default name.
To create a server with a different name, change the Adaptive Server name and use the new name with the “_BK” extensions for Backup Server. For example, the Backup Server for PIANO should be PIANO_BK.
The master device size must be at least 30MB.
The system procedure device and sybsystemprocs database sizes must be at least 112MB.
The auditing entries in the resource file are not supported and will not be processed by the utility. To enable auditing, see Configuring Adaptive Server Enterprise.