Appendix C: Post-Upgrade Tasks

Restoring functionality in Adaptive Server

To reset or enable options or functionality you had to change before the upgrade:

  1. Reset the configuration parameters.

    If you changed any configuration parameters before upgrading, use sp_configure to set them back to their previous values.

  2. Use sp_dboption to reset any database options you disabled before upgrading.

  3. After you complete the upgrade, but before you use the upgraded Adaptive Server, verify that all scripts developed at your site point to Adaptive Server 12.5.x.

  4. Verify procedure cache allocation after upgrading.

    This section is for information only. Adaptive Server ensures that procedure cache size after upgrade is the same as before upgrade, unless the original size was less than the default value.

    If you are upgrading from a version of Adaptive Server that is earlier than version 12.5.x, procedure cache percent has been changed to procedure cache size. Adaptive Server now allocates memory dynamically and determines the size of the procedure and data caches in terms of megabytes. During the upgrade process, Adaptive Server converts the procedure cache percent to an absolute value and sets procedure cache size based on this value.

    For example, if procedure cache percent is configured as 20 percent of 200MB of memory, then the absolute value of procedure cache percent is 40MB. During the upgrade process, Adaptive Server converts procedure cache percent at 20 percent to procedure cache size at 40MB. If the value for procedure cache size is less than the default value, Adaptive Server sets procedure cache size to the default value. For example, if procedure cache percent is set to 10 percent in the example above, and the absolute value of 10 percent is less than the default value of procedure cache size, then procedure cache size is set to the default value.

    With the introduction of dynamically reconfigured memory configuration parameters in Adaptive Server 12.5.x, an increase in Adaptive Server’s memory use does not decrease the size of the procedure cache or the data cache. That is, if your default data cache is set to 40MB, and you increase your procedure cache, the default data cache is still 40MB.

    For more information about sp_configure, see the Reference Manual.

  5. Check the procedure cache requirements.

    Stored procedures, triggers, and other compiled objects require more memory to run than older versions. The memory required to run a stored procedure increased by 20 percent between versions 10.x and 11.5. Adaptive Server 12.5.x needs approximately 4 percent more procedure cache than version 11.5 for the server to maintain the same performance.

    You may increase the procedure cache size during runtime, using sp_configure. You can use the verify option in sp_configure to verify any changes you make to the configuration file without having to restart Adaptive Server. The syntax is:

    sp_configure "configuration file", 0, "verify", "full_path_to_file"

    For example:

    sp_configure "configuration file", 0, "verify", "/work2/Sybase/ASE125.cfg"

    For more information about sp_configure and sp_sysmon, see the Reference Manual and the Performance and Tuning Guide. For more information about configuring memory, see the System Administration Guide.

  6. Verify data cache allocation after upgrading. This section is for information only. Adaptive Server ensures that all the data cache sizes after upgrading are the same as before upgrade.

    In pre-12.5 versions of Adaptive Server, the default data cache available depended on the amount of memory available to Adaptive Server. If the default data cache was set to 2MB, Adaptive Server allocated 2MB to the default data cache. If, after memory was allocated to all user-defined data caches and to the procedure cache, there was more memory available, that memory was allocated to the default data cache. However, if there was not enough memory available for Adaptive Server to set up the user-defined caches and the procedure cache, then memory was taken from the default data cache regardless of the designated configuration parameter. Therefore, it was possible to set default data cache to the default value and have all remaining available memory allocated to the default data cache.

    Adaptive Server 12.5.x treats the default data cache size as an absolute value and sets it in the config file. The string DEFAULT in the config file has a different meaning for default data cache size in Adaptive Server 12.5.x.

    In pre-12.5 Adaptive Server, it meant all the memory left after allocating memory for other configurations, procedures, and user-defined named caches. In Adaptive Server 12.5.x, it means a default value of 8MB.

    During the upgrade process, Adaptive Server ensures that the default data cache size remains the same. Therefore, during the pre-upgrade process, the size of the default data cache is obtained and written to the configuration file as an absolute value, not as “DEFAULT.” This enables Adaptive Server 12.5.x to have the same default data cache size as before the upgrade. If this size is less than the default size of default data cache of 8MB, then Adaptive Server 12.5.x allocates a default data cache of size 8MB.

  7. If you unmirrored devices, remirror them, using the disk remirror command.

  8. If you used two-phase commit in 11.9.x, run the script to install the two-phase commit tables:

    isql -Usa -Psa_password -Sserver_name 

    You do not need to run this script if you do not use two-phase commit.