If you attempt to execute an ESP (extended stored procedure), you may see the following error:
00:00000:00008:1997/09/10 12:52:53.03 kernel XP Server failed to start. Try bringing up XP Server manually. Check SQL Server documentation for more information on how to bring XP Server up.
XP Server cannot start because the port number may be in use by another process. Use the netstat command described in the previous section to determine if the port number specified for XP Server is in use.
If you find no processes using the same port number:
Restart Adaptive Server.
Execute the ESP that you attempted earlier.
XP Server should start automatically.
If you find a process using the same port number, you can do one of the following:
Change the interfaces file to use a new port number for the XP Server.
Stop the process using the port number allotted to XP Server.
Restart Adaptive Server, and execute the ESP that you attempted earlier. XP Server should start automatically.