In this procedure, rs_init creates a new configuration file that contains encrypted passwords for the Replication Server. rs_init encrypts the passwords in the rs_users and rs_maintusers system tables.
Enabling password encryption
Go to Start | Programs | Sybase | rs_init.
You see the RS_INIT menu.
Select Configure a Server Product, then choose Continue. You see the Configure Server Products window.
Select Replication Server and choose Continue. You see the Configure Replication System window.
Select Enable Password Encryption for a Replication Server, then choose Continue.
Complete the screen as follows.
Enter the name of the Replication Server for which you want to enable password encryption.
Enter the login name for the Replication Server with “sa” user.
Enter the password for the Replication Server “sa” user.
Enter the full path for the Replication Server configuration file.
Choose Continue to save your changes. You see:
Execute the Replication Server tasks now?
Select Yes to enable encryption.
rs_init shuts down the Replication Server and encrypts the passwords in the Replication Server configuration file and in the rs_users and rs_maintusers system tables.
When encryption is complete, rs_init displays:
Replication Server 'rs_name' can now be restarted.
Choose OK. rs_init displays:
Configuration tasks completed successfully.
Choose OK. You see the Configure Replication System dialog box.
Choose Exit to quit rs_init.
Restart the Replication Server and any connected RepAgents.
Delete the backup of the Replication Server configuration file.
backup file contains unencrypted passwords, so you should remove that
file to protect your replication system security. However, you may
first want to make a hard copy or offline backup of the file and
store it in a safe place.
The backup file has the same name as the Replication Server configuration file, but the extension is changed to a three-digit number such as “001.” The file with the highest extension number is the most recent backup file.