This section provides instructions on how to start rs_init. Enter the information from the Replication Server installation worksheet based on the preparation you did in Chapter 1, “Preparing to Install and Configure Replication Server.”
Starting rs_init
Log in to Windows using the Replication Server System Administrator’s account.
Select Start | Programs | Sybase | rs_init. You see the RS_Init dialog box. Choose Configure a Server Product, then choose Replication Server. From the Configure Replication System menu you can:
Install a new Replication Server – see “Configuring a new Replication Server”.
Add a database to your Replication System – see “Adding a database to the replication system”.
Upgrade or downgrade your software – see Chapter 3, “Upgrading or Downgrading an Existing Replication Server 12.6 or Earlier.”
Enable password encryption for a Replication Server or alter passwords in configuration files – see Chapter 4, “Using Password Encryption.”