You can use the Services Manager to start and stop Replication Servers and Adaptive Servers. The Services Manager provides a visual indication of the server status.
Before you can use the Services Manager, you must shut down the server using isql and restart it using the Services Manager. See “Stopping a Replication Server using isql” for instructions.
Using the Services Manager to start and stop a Replication Server
Select Start | Programs | Services Manager. You see the Services Manager window.
From the Services list box, select the type of server you want to view. The available choices depend on the Sybase products you have installed.
From the Server list box, select the name of the server you want to view.
To start the server, double-click Start/Continue, or the green light.
To shut down the server, double-click Stop, or the red light.
Pause, the yellow (center) light, is not currently implemented.