Replication should now be established for the authors and titles tables. To test and troubleshoot the replication system:
Log in to the replicate pubs2 database and select the data from the titles and authors tables. If the rows exist in the tables, it indicates that the subscriptions were created and materialized successfully.
If rows are not appearing in the replicate tables, execute the check subscription command in each of the Replication Servers:
check subscription authors_sub for authors with replicate at SYDNEY_DS.pubs2
The check subscription command reports the status of the subscription. If the status is not “valid” in both the primary and replicate Replication Servers, then either the subscription has not finished materializing or an error has occurred.
The authors and titles tables are very small. If there are no configuration problems, they should not take more than a few seconds to materialize. If you do not see the results quickly, you can assume that an error has occurred.
Log in to the primary pubs2 database and execute some insert, update, and delete SQL commands against the authors and titles tables. Then log in to the replicate pubs2 database and verify that your modifications appear in the replicate tables. If rows do not appear in the replicate tables, execute the check subscription command in each of the Replication Servers.
Check the error logs for the primary and replicate Replication Servers for error messages. The most common problems are:
Failure to log in to the primary Adaptive Server. The user who creates the subscription in the replicate Replication Server must have the same login name and password in the primary Adaptive Server and the primary Replication Server.
Missing permissions in the primary database. The user who creates the subscription must be a user in the primary database and must have select permission in the primary table.
Missing permissions in the replicate database. The maintenance user must have select, insert, update, and delete permissions on the tables in the replicate database.
A Replication Server or Adaptive Server has stopped running. Try logging in to each of the servers. Restart any servers that are not running.