Metadata information for replicate articles includes:
Database server name and database name of the replicate database
Subscription name
Owner of the replicate object
Name of the replicate object
Stored procedure group number (stored procedures only)
Type of the replicate object (table or stored procedure)
Proxy table name
Distribution procedure name
Validation status
Where clause (if specified when the replicate article was created)
Publication name (identified in the subscription)
Owner of the primary article that the replicate article subscribes to
Name of the primary article that the replicate article subscribes to
Primary stored procedure group number (stored procedures only)
To get metadata information about a specific replicate
Use sp_helpreplicateart with the info keyword, and specify a replicate article:
sp_helpreplicateart info, rep_art
where rep_art is the name of the replicate article.
The sp_helpreplicateart procedure allows you to qualify a replicate article by subscription or by replicate database.
To get metadata information about a specific replicate
article in a specific subscription
Use sp_helpreplicateart with the info keyword, and specify a replicate article name and a subscription:
sp_helpreplicateart info, rep_art, sub=sub_name
where rep_art is the name of the replicate article, and sub_name is the name of a subscription.
To get metadata information about a specific replicate
article in a specific replicate database
Use sp_helpreplicateart with the info keyword, and specify a replicate article name and a replicate database connection:
sp_helpreplicateart info, rep_art, conn="conn_name"
where rep_art is the name of the replicate article, and conn_name is the name of a replicate database connection.
To get metadata information about all replicate
Use sp_helpreplicateart with no keyword, and without specifying a replicate article: