There are three commands that return information about primary articles for which there are no subscribers:
sp_helpprimaryconn – Returns information about primary articles in a specified primary database.
sp_helppub – Returns information about primary articles in a specified publication.
sp_helpsub – Returns information about primary articles with no subscribing replicate articles in a specified subscription.
To get information about all primary
articles in a specific primary database for which there are no subscribers
Use sp_helpprimaryconn with the unsub keyword, and specify a primary database connection:
sp_helpprimaryconn unsub, conn="conn_name"
where conn_name is the name of a primary database connection.
To get information about all primary
articles in a specific publication for which there are no subscribers
Use sp_helppub with the unsub keyword, and specify a publication:
sp_helppub unsub, pub_name
where pub_name is the name of a publication.
To get information about primary articles with
no subscribing replicate articles in a specific subscription
Use sp_helpsub with the unsub keyword, and specify a subscription:
sp_helpsub unsub, sub_name
where sub_name is the name of a subscription.