Connection metadata and status information includes:
Database server name and database name (ds.db)
Maintenance User name
Name of the last commit proxy table (replicate connections only)
Restart locator value
Connection status and status description
To get metadata and status information about a
specific primary database connection
Use sp_helpprimaryconn with the info keyword, and specify a database connection:
sp_helpprimaryconn info, "conn_name"
where conn_name is the connection name in the form ds.db.
To get metadata and status information about all primary
database connections
Use sp_helpprimaryconn without specifying a keyword or database connection:
To get metadata and status information about a
specific replicate database connection
Use sp_helpreplicateconn with the info keyword, and specify a database connection:
sp_helpreplicateconn info, "conn_name"
where conn_name is the connection name in the form ds.db.
To get metadata and status information about all replicate
database connections
Use sp_helpreplicateconn without specifying a keyword or database connection: