In the replicate database, all replicated transactions are applied by the Maintenance User. By default, the Maintenance User login is the ASE Replicator system user login at the primary Adaptive Server.
Setting up a different Maintenance User login is optional:
If you want ASE Replicator to use the same login (the ASE Replicator system user login) at the remote server, skip the following procedure, and continue with “Granting permissions in the replicate database”.
If you want ASE Replicator to use a different login at the remote server (that is, different from the ASE Replicator system user login at the primary Adaptive Server), use the following procedure to add an external login for the ASE Replicator system user.
To set up a different Maintenance User login
Log in to the primary Adaptive Server with a System Security Officer user role.
Create an external login to map the ASE Replicator system user login to a different login at the replicate database server:
use master sp_addexternlogin server, rep_user, externname, externpw
where server is the name of the replicate database server, rep_user is the login name of the ASE Replicator system user on the primary Adaptive Server, externname is the name of the login account on the replicate (remote) database server, and externpw is the password for the login account.
For more information on using sp_addexternlogin to create external logins, see the Reference Manual.
If you create an external login account, make sure the
user ID associated with that external login is added to the remote
server and to each replicate database, and grant the appropriate
permissions in each replicate database to that user login name.