The primary Adaptive Server must have a local server name defined for itself, and a remote alias name “local” defined.
If a local server name is not already defined for the primary Adaptive Server, you must define a local server name, then restart Adaptive Server so the new entry in the sysservers table takes effect.
You need not restart the Adaptive Server if a local server name is already defined for the primary Adaptive Server.
Use sp_helpserver to find
out if a local server name is already defined for the primary Adaptive
To define a local name and remote alias for the
primary Adaptive Server
Log in to the primary Adaptive Server with a System Security Officer user role.
Define the local server name for the primary Adaptive Server:
use master sp_addserver ds_name, local
where ds_name is the name of the primary Adaptive Server.
Define a server named “local” as a remote alias for the primary Adaptive Server:
sp_addserver local, ASEnterprise, ds_name
where ds_name is the name of the primary Adaptive Server.
Restart Adaptive Server to get the new local server name entry in the sysservers table to take effect.
You need not restart the Adaptive Server if a local
server name was already defined for the primary Adaptive Server.