The Distribution Database is a user database in Adaptive Server. It stores the metadata needed to support ASE Replicator, and it resides on the same Adaptive Server as the primary database. You create the Distribution Database when you set up the primary Adaptive Server to work with ASE Replicator.
The Distribution Database contains the following objects:
Stable queue – consists of the ASE Replicator transaction log table, and one shadow table for each published table or stored procedure in the primary database:
Transaction log table – stores metadata from the primary database’s Adaptive Server transaction log for all replicated transactions.
Shadow tables – store the data associated with transaction operations on tables and procedure invocations in the primary database.
Distribution procedures, for both tables and stored procedures:
Table distribution procedures – stored procedures that read the shadow tables and apply replicated transactions to the CIS proxy (replicate) tables.
Stored procedure distribution procedures – read the shadow tables and execute stored procedures in the replicate database as RPCs.
CIS proxy tables – enable ASE Replicator to use CIS to send replicated transactions to replicate tables in remote replicate databases. Each replicate table in a replicate database is represented by a CIS proxy table in the Distribution Database.
Metadata tables – store all the metadata that ASE Replicator uses to manage and control the replication process.
ASE Replicator maintains and controls the Distribution Database.
In general, there is no need for direct maintenance
or administration of the Distribution Database. However, the System
Administrator must accommodate the Distribution Database when tuning
Adaptive Server performance and allocating resources.
For more information about the Distribution Database, see Appendix A, “Distribution Database Schema.”