You can terminate the ASE Replicator process using sp_shutdownrep. The sp_shutdownrep command procedure offers two options:
Graceful shutdown
Immediate shutdown
In a graceful shutdown, the ASE Replicator components first complete their work on current transactions in the primary database, then empty the Distribution Database queue before terminating. After all ASE Replicator components have terminated, the ASE Replicator process terminates. A graceful shutdown can take a while to complete, depending on how many transaction operations are in the Distribution Database queue.
In an immediate shutdown, all ASE Replicator components terminate immediately, regardless of their current operations or condition, and the ASE Replicator process terminates. An immediate shutdown occurs almost instantly.
To shut down the ASE Replicator process gracefully
Use sp_shutdownrep with no parameter:
To shut down the ASE Replicator process immediately
Use sp_shutdownrep with the immediate keyword:
sp_shutdownrep immediate